HolyCoast: San Francisco Fights to Endanger Gay Guys
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Saturday, June 28, 2008

San Francisco Fights to Endanger Gay Guys

Remember Howard Dean's comment about how the GOP focuses on "God, guns and gays"? Well, here we have a story of how the liberal mayor of the Gay Bay wants to endanger gay citizens by denying them the right of self-protection. As Say Anything blog mentions, this is pure comedy gold:
(06-27) 18:34 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- A day after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Americans have a constitutional right to possess guns for self-defense, the National Rifle Association sued San Francisco and its Housing Authority for banning firearms in the authority's public housing.

The NRA filed in federal court Friday on behalf of an unidentified gay man living in Valencia Gardens Housing in the Mission District, who said he keeps a gun in his home for protection against hate crimes even though his Housing Authority lease forbids possession of guns and other weapons.
Mayor Gavin Newsome, who regularly ignores those laws he doesn't like, is vowing a fight against the NRA:
Mayor Gavin Newsom struck a defiant note in a news conference at which, flanked by a cadre of federal, state and local law enforcement leaders, he announced a series of new anti-gun initiatives.

"To the NRA, we just say, 'Stay away. ... Let us protect our citizens,' " Newsom said. He also said the gun organization should direct some of its attention to the Bush administration, since the federal government approves Housing Authority leases.

Newsom conceded, however, that San Francisco could have trouble defending another ordinance that requires residents to store their handguns in a locked box or disable them with a trigger lock. The city's 11 gun-related ordinances are "constitutionally appropriate," the mayor asserted, but the trigger-lock measure is "a little more problematic because of the Supreme Court," which struck down a similar provision in the Washington ordinance.

So, San Francisco is going to protect their citizens. As Gordon Dillow pointed out in The Register, what are citizens supposed to do when seconds count and the police are only minutes away?

Newsome and San Francisco will lose this one, and should they continue to pile on gun restrictions, they'll lose those too. The citizens of this country will be allowed to defend themselves. Thus sayeth the Supremes.

Tom Maguire add this:
BONUS CHEAP SHOT: The same folks who can read the Constitution and Bill of Rights and find an unassailable right to abortion and gay marriage can't find a right to possession of a firearm.

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