HolyCoast: Bill Clinton's Last Day
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Monday, June 02, 2008

Bill Clinton's Last Day

From the campaign trail in South Dakota:
ABC News' Sarah Amos Reports: Speaking to a crowd in Milbank, SD former President Bill Clinton admitted that today could be the last time he has such an active role in presidential politics.

"I want to say also that this may be the last day I'm ever involved in a campaign of this kind. I thought I was out of politics, 'til Hillary decided to run. But it has been, one of the greatest honors of my life to go around and campaign for her for president," said Clinton as he began his speech.

Hmmm... What can this mean? I'm hearing that Hillary is planning a big New York City speech for Tuesday night, and it's beginning to look like this could either be a concession speech or a suspension speech. The former takes her out of the race completely, the latter takes the fight to Denver.

The second possible meaning to all of this that Hillary has no plans to accept the VP spot on the ticket, because if she was, Bill would have a role in that campaign.

Tomorrow night could be a major turning point in Operation Chaos.

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