HolyCoast: Was Father Pfleger's Appearance at Trinity a Set-up?
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Monday, June 02, 2008

Was Father Pfleger's Appearance at Trinity a Set-up?

Rush Limbaugh has an interesting idea about Father Michael Pfleger's appearance at Obama's church on May 25th. In that appearance Pfleger made insulting remarks about Hillary Clinton and basically acted the fool. Throughout the Rev. Jeremiah Wright scandal Obama defended his church (especially in his famous "race" speech), but once Pfleger made his comments, he resigned. Rush is suggesting that Pfleger's appearance was a set-up so that Obama would have a reason to resign the church without doing it because of a black pastor.

No question that Obama had to leave that church if he had any hopes of winning in November, and leaving because of the preaching of his long time (and black) pastor could have caused problems for Obama in the black community. So, what do you do? You trot in a self-loathing middle-aged white guy doing a poor imitation of Rev. Wright and bingo, Obama has reasons to quit.

I'm not sure his campaign is clever enough to pull something like this off, but then you have to wonder why Trinity continued to broadcast inflammatory sermons knowing the damage it could do to Obama. Perhaps they needed to give Barack a way out.

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