HolyCoast: High Noon for Hillary
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Friday, June 06, 2008

High Noon for Hillary

It looks like noon Saturday will be the end of the road for the Clinton Campaign:
On the heels of a tete-a-tete with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton has set the time and place for her formal exit from the Democratic primary race.

The New York senator plans to drop out of the race at noon Saturday, at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C.. The announcement came Friday after some initial confusion over when and where Clinton would concede.

There the former first lady plans to endorse Obama for president and call for party unity, after the Illinois senator clinched the Democratic nomination Tuesday.

So, the question then becomes:
  1. Will she withdraw from the campaign, or merely suspend her campaign?
  2. Will she release her delegates to vote for Obama?
  3. Will Obama make an appearance, or will this event be all about Hillary?

I think if she was smart she's announce a suspension but would retain her delegates for the first ballot in Denver. That way she could go out with a bang. If she releases her delegates, it might be better for party unity but won't help her if the Obama campaign runs into some snags before August.

The Clintons are not known for shutting off options before they have to. Her words tomorrow will be very carefully scrutinized, that's for sure.

In honor of the end of the Clinton campaign, at noon tomorrow Clinton supporters around the country will be lowering their zippers to half mast.

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