HolyCoast: Rev. Wright Can't Let Go of Trinity
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Friday, June 06, 2008

Rev. Wright Can't Let Go of Trinity

Rev. Jeremiah Wright was supposed to retire as Senior Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago and move into a multimillion dollar retirement, but he may be having second thoughts (especially now that Barack Obama has quit the church):
Reports of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright's retirement apparently have been greatly exaggerated.

Wright was to have stepped down as senior pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ last Sunday and his hand-picked successor, the Reverend Otis Moss III, was to deliver his first sermon in that role.

Instead, church bulletins identified Moss as "pastor" rather than "senior pastor." And, Time Magazine Reports Wright said during a meeting with church leaders that Moss should be declared "senior pastor-elect" because he still needs supervision.

Moss was also ordered to fire the first person he hired, his head of communications. The ordeal is not sitting well with some in the congregation. One church member said, "Two years ago you felt God gave you the vision to bring Reverend Moss here. Why are you second-guessing God's vision?"

Rev. Wright clearly enjoys the limelight, and walking away from it will be very, very tough for him.

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