HolyCoast: A New Low in Antiwar Fervor
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A New Low in Antiwar Fervor

We usually have to look to the Code Pinko gang for the latest outrage from the antiwar nutjobs, but somebody has managed to top them:
A group of 3,000 political activists is planning to send letters to American soldiers in Iraq, telling them that the U.S. is to blame for the 9/11 terror attacks.

Mark Dice, founder of the international media watchdog group known as The Resistance, says, "We... want them to know the real reason they have put themselves in harm's way."

Dice is urging his members to tell American troops that the attacks were aided by corrupt U.S. officials for political purposes. Dice has already handed out at college campuses more than 1,000 DVDs of a 9/11 conspiracy film and adds, "I don't want the soldiers... to be used as pawns in the creation of the new world order."
Antiwar and conspiracy theorists at the same time. Great combination.

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