HolyCoast: Jimmuh Carter's Second Term
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jimmuh Carter's Second Term

John McCain has found a talking point that will resonate with older voters:
In separate interviews today, John McCain compared Barack Obama to Jimmy Carter.

Speaking to Fox's Carl Cameron, McCain raised Carter's name, putting a face on his assertion that Obama wants to return "to the failed policies of the '60's and '70's."

And then, sitting down with NBC's Brian Williams, he poured it on -- and got to the heart of the matter.

“Senator Obama says that I’m running for a Bush’s third term," McCain said, picking up the central Democratic line of attack. "Seems to me he’s running for Jimmy Carter’s second.”

There are good reasons to tie Obama to Carter.

First, there are fewer convenient and resonant Democratic bogeyman. Even if Ted Kennedy wasn't suffering from brain cancer, McCain wouldn't use him; the two are close friends and have worked together. Then there are the Clintons -- McCain can't hardly go there when he's trying to court Hillary's disaffected supporters. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid just aren't that well-known among average Americans. So who does that leave?

Well, how about a president whose administration is recalled by conservatives (and others) as one marked by high gas prices, weak national security and a perception of favoring Arabs over Israelis. Not a bad combination given McCain's message against Obama.

Lastly, it gives McCain something snappy to say in response to the equally snappy Bush-third-term attack.

That said, there are millions of voters who either weren't born or who are too young to remember a thing about the Carter presidency besides something about a killer rabbit and Billy beer.

Anyone who has memories of the mess Carter left the country in will not be enthused at the thought of a replay. Given Jimmuh's propensity to meet with our enemies and criticize his country on foreign soil, I think bringing his name up as often as possible is a good move for McCain.

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