HolyCoast: Stop, or I'll Say Stop Again!
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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Stop, or I'll Say Stop Again!

The chaos continues in the Dem party despite the Obamessiah's victory declaration last night:
In the absence of a concession speech from Sen. Hillary Clinton on Tuesday night, top figures in the Democratic Party are set to go public, urging all uncommitted officials to declare their presidential affiliations.

Sources have confirmed that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, DNC Chairman Howard Dean, and an official with the Democratic Governors Association are planning to release a public statement on Wednesday morning requesting that the party close its ranks and prepare for the race against Sen. John McCain.

The move, which had been anticipated but seemed unnecessary following Obama's clinching of the nomination on Tuesday night, is an indication that few figures beyond Clinton's utmost loyalists are willing to stomach a prolonged vacation period for the New York Democrat to make up her mind.

Rather than continue to stir things up the Dem leaders would be smart to just ignore Hillary and go on down the road with the campaign. Whether she concedes or not doesn't change the delegate math, and every day they focus attention on her they take away from their own inexperienced and unqualified candidate.

Hmmm. Maybe that's their plan all along...

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