HolyCoast: McCain's Problem Trifecta
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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

McCain's Problem Trifecta

John McCain made an ill-advised decision to give a speech last night, not long before Barack Obama's victory speech. While Obama spoke to thousands and the TV images showed adoring fans in the background, McCain spoke to literally dozens and stood in front of a lime green jello-looking backdrop. His speech, though praised by some Republicans for content, was a typical McCain delivery. Stilted. He doesn't know how to give a speech from a teleprompter, and although he may believe what he's saying, he doesn't give that impression with his awkward speaking style.

McCain's idea of a good speech is one that blasts President Bush and his administration harder than Barack Obama, and last night's speech didn't disappoint. He got a few weak shots in at Obama, but he never should have given that speech on the same night that Obama clinched the nomination because comparisons between the two were all too easy. And they weren't pretty. The blogosphere is full of them

McCain has a trifecta working against him:
  1. He is not going to become more comfortable with a teleprompter, nor is he going to become a more scintillating speaker. Obama will come out of his convention with a big bounce, just because of his speaking ability and the enthusiasm of his supporters. McCain's convention will end with a thud.
  2. He's not going to get any younger.
  3. His politics will not become less confused or more conservative, thus depriving him of the enthusiasm among the conservative base that he needs to drive the grassroots efforts.
At this point you have to like Obama's chances.

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