HolyCoast: The Train...The Train...
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Sunday, June 01, 2008

The Train...The Train...

UPDATE 3: Here's the YouTube video of the two Mission Viejo run-bys.

For those of you checking in to see if I have the video up yet for the Santa Fe 3751 run-by's, I just spent 45 minutes waiting in Mission Viejo for a train that hasn't left San Diego yet. At 5:15 I heard that the train, which was scheduled out of San Diego at 2:30, was still in SD waiting for the engine to return from a turnaround in National City. A guy I was waiting with talked to someone on the train and they had not announced a planned departure time yet.

I've got a great spot picked out for the return trip, but I'm afraid it might be dark by the time they get here. I may have to shoot it using the night vision setting on my camera.

Stay tuned...

UPDATE: At 7pm the train is moving through Del Mar. Should be in Mission Viejo in about an hour. The lighting probably won't be very good, but I'll see what I can get.

UPDATE 2: The train didn't get to Mission Viejo until 8:57 pm. It was pitch dark, so the video for that part of the trip isn't much, but the audio is awesome. The train was climbing a grade and the exhaust was really barking. I hope to have the video uploaded and ready to go in the morning.

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