HolyCoast: Republican Strategist Believes Michelle Obama "Whitey" Tape Exists and a Network Has It
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Sunday, June 01, 2008

Republican Strategist Believes Michelle Obama "Whitey" Tape Exists and a Network Has It

The other day I mentioned a possible pending Michelle Obama bombshell, and it looks like it's getting closer. Republican strategist Roger Stone was interviewed today on Fox News and had this to say:

FNC 06/01/2008 14:43:30: …>>> Welcome back to our special coverage live coverage from Puerto Rico. just before the break, Roger Stone the Republican strategist made the comment that Michele Obama used the phrase whitey when describing white people and Michael Brown says bs that is republican dirty tricks as usual. Roger take it away. Michael, you are in the wings. >> This has little to do with the general election and a lot to do with why Hillary Clinton is staying in the race. look, there is already a buzz in Washington at least seven news organizations have contacted me. wanting to know how to get their hands on this tape, giving me more information than I had after I had spoken to each one of them. I now believe the tape exists and I believe a network has it. If this pans to out to be true based on Michelle Obama’s previous comment that this is the first time she had been proud of her country which I think shows an attitude it is problematic.
This is really starting to get good. Just stop and think about this for a minute. Obama is within a fingernail of grabbing the nomination, but if there's a tape of Michelle ranting about "Whitey", it's over. The Democrats would be incredibly foolish to give him the nomination. Obama has proven
that his contacts, both family and friends, are radicals completely out of the mainstream of American society. His nomination would be suicide for the party.

Meanwhile, Hillary hangs in there, doesn't concede, and is in position should all hell break loose for the Obama campaign. There's nothing requiring the superdelegates to go with their stated endorsements.

In addition to all this, Obama's latest Pastor Disaster, Father Michael Pfleger, gave a second sermon last Sunday at his own church and bashed Hillary again, including this bit:

"Hillary and McCain would wish they had a preacher with the integrity of Jeremiah Wright. … They got some old weak preacher…some old Joel Osteen cotton candy preacher." …

I'm sure that will play well with Osteen's 2 million TV viewers, not to mention the 3 million or so who have bought his books.

UPDATE: From Larry Johnson at No Quarter:
I learned over the weekend why the Republicans who have seen the tape of Michelle Obama ranting about “whitey” describe it as “STUNNING.” I have not seen it but I have heard from five separate sources who have spoken directly with people who have seen the tape. It features Michelle Obama and Louis Farrakhan. They are sitting on a panel at Jeremiah Wright’s Church when Michelle makes her intemperate remarks. Whoops!! When that image comes out it will enter the politcal ads hall of fame. It will be right up there with the little girl plucking daisy petals in the famous 1964 ad LBJ used against Barry Goldwater.

Barack may have quit his church but his religious problems are not over. Barack Obama has a Nation of Islam problem that will receive more attention in the coming days.

Hoo boy, if that tape ever hits the airwaves, look out.

The thing that makes this story at all believable is that Michelle Obama has a history of intemperate remarks. Consequently, it's not much of a stretch to imagine her using the work "whitey", and therefore the story remains believable to one degree or another. Of course, if somebody doesn't produce a tape pretty soon the whole thing will be chalked up to a desperate move by a pro-Hillary activist.

An additional thought: So far there's been nothing about this story on Drudge, even though it is richocheting around the political blogosphere. This is the kind of stuff that Drudge normally would eat up, but some are already suspecting that Drudge has become an Obama supporter (see the Politico story) and therefore may not be interested in pursuing the story until a tape actually appears...if it ever does.

UPDATE 2: According to The Corner and Hugh Hewitt, Dem strategist Bob Beckel said on Fox and Friends this morning that a bombshell is about to be dropped on Obama. There was a post at Alisyn Camarata's blog linked to by both The Corner and Hewitt, but that post has been pulled. Interesting.

UPDATE 3: HotAir has the Beckel video.

UPDATE 4: Larry Johnson at No Quarter was assuring everyone that a tape would be released on Wednesday, 6-4. Now they're backtracking on that prediction. Who would benefit from a release at this point in the campaign? Only Hillary. If Republicans have such a tape, they'd be foolish to release it now. It would be much more effective coming out the day after Obama gives his acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention and it's too late for the party to make a change. This story has been a bit shaky from the start. There may be a tape, but don't look for it until August.

UPDATE 5: More detailed info on the contents of the rumored recording here.

UPDATE 6: Obama questioned about the tape.

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