HolyCoast: Airlines Don't Have to Put Up With You
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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Airlines Don't Have to Put Up With You

Two stories in the news today about airlines and unruly passengers. Bottom line - the airline doesn't have to put up with you if they don't want to:
MYFOXNY.COM -- A flight from Florida to New York Sunday night never got off the ground. That's because after the flight crew arrived late, angry and impatient passengers got verbally agitated and hostile. Apparently it was so bad, the crew wasn't comfortable working the flight so they refused to take off.
And from Phoenix:
(July 7) - It's a scenario that every parent dreads: when their children become rowdy on a flight. But when Wendy Slaughter's four kids became unruly on a plane ride from Detroit to Phoenix, Southwest Airlines banned them from boarding a connecting flight home. Now, she's furious that the airline left them stranded at the airport -- even though she admits her kids were loud and restless.

Create a disturbance at your peril.

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