HolyCoast: Bad News for Democrats - No Recession Yet
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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bad News for Democrats - No Recession Yet

Sorry, Democrats, but the economy grew in the 2nd quarter:
The Commerce Department reported Thursday that gross domestic product, or GDP, increased at an annual rate of 1.9 percent in the April-to-June period. That marked an improvement over the feeble 0.9 percent growth logged in the first quarter of this year and the outright contraction in the economy during the final quarter of last year.
A recession has a definition that Democrats want to ignore, and that is "two consecutive quarters of negative growth". Not happening, though Democrats will continue to throw out the "R" word and use it in every speech they can in hopes of confusing the people who aren't paying close attention or who let their emotions drive their attitude.

We're not out of the woods yet, but we're not in a recession either.

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