HolyCoast: John Edwards in Full Retreat
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Thursday, July 31, 2008

John Edwards in Full Retreat


The plan is becoming pretty clear. Don't talk to the media about the mistress and love child (that's reportedly costing him $15,000 per month) and nearly all the mainstream press will ignore the story. I don't think it's working as well as Edwards hoped:
"Facing Questions, Edwards Evades Reporters" ...

On Wednesday, Edwards apparently ducked out a side area used by the kitchen staff in the fourth-floor ballroom of Washington's historic Hotel Monaco. Edwards emerged from a lower-level handicap ramp near the rear of the hotel with two men. When approached by a Charlotte Observer reporter, Edwards said, "Can't do it now, I'm sorry" and quickly walked past.

Asked what he was doing at the Beverly Hilton last week, Edwards said "sorry" and got into a waiting car with the other men.

Mickey Kaus suggests that Edwards consider this approach: Given that emotions and feelings are what drives Democrats, it just might work.

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