HolyCoast: Bill Clinton Will Prevent Hillary Clinton From Becoming Vice President
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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bill Clinton Will Prevent Hillary Clinton From Becoming Vice President

I've long suspected that though Hillary Clinton would probably make the best VP choice in terms of a united Dem party, she carries one particularly large piece of baggage that can't be ignored: Bill:
According to a Hillary donor who recently spoke with Obama, Clinton is definitely on the veep list. But there's one obstacle, Obama told her: Bill Clinton.

The Los Angeles Times writes, "Jill Iscol, a faithful Democratic donor who was an ardent supporter of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, said Obama reached out to her because he heard she was unhappy about the way the New York senator had been treated by the Democratic Party and the media. Iscol turned their phone conversation Thursday to the vice presidency -- something the Obama campaign has refused to discuss publicly. She said she told him that Clinton would be his best running mate."

"Obama replied that she is on his list, Iscol recounted, and that it would be a mistake not to have her on such a list. But he also explained that he was thinking through a potential 'complication' -- Bill Clinton. 'He said once you're a president, even if you're a former president, you're always a president,' Iscol said."

With Hillary and Bill the country would have two president too many. They would completely overshadow the inexperienced and dangerous Obama, and confusion would reign.

Now that I think about it, that could be fun.

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