HolyCoast: Congratulations to the Mission Viejo Marching Band and Color Guard!
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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Congratulations to the Mission Viejo Marching Band and Color Guard!

I just got word that the Mission Viejo High School Marching Band and Color Guard (which includes both HolyCoast kids) won the big international band competition in Calgary last night. Here they are on the floor of the Saddledome during the show:
Official photographer Richard Saunders has uploaded over 1,200 photos from the trip so far, including some shots of my kids performing last night. Here's the girl, who was the featured flute soloist (which explains why she's not in a band uniform):And here's the boy caught by the photographer as he marched the complicated show drill:
Another shot of the boy marching toward backfield as a color guard member swoons over his performance:
Well, she wasn't really swooning, but it makes for a better story.

And here's the girl again during the band's victory lap around the arena floor following the announcement that they'd won and the presentation of the $10,000 prize. That'll pay for some new band stuff for next year.
They come home tomorrow, tired but victorious!

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