HolyCoast: Jesse Jackson Slams the Obamessiah on an Open Fox News Mic
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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Jesse Jackson Slams the Obamessiah on an Open Fox News Mic

Jesse Jackson is not impressed with the Obamessiah, based on his comments during a taping for tonight's O'Reilly Factor (from Bucks Right):
Radio host Sean Hannity just revealed that FOX News is in possession of an exclusive tape of Reverend Jesse Jackson, recorded after a recent interview when he thought the microphone was off, slamming Barack Hussein Obama for “talking down black people on matters of faith” (Hannity also has said it as “talking down to black people on matters of faith”) among other issues.

Hannity also intimated that Jackson says he wants to “rip Obama’s nuts off” on the tape.

I saw the clip on Special Report. He said "See, Barack been, um, talking down to black people on this faith based...Barack, he's talking down to black people..."

Why does that upset Jackson so? Because Obama, to his credit, has been calling for more responsibility from the men in the black community, and if that happened, Jesse Jackson wouldn't have a reason for living.

Jackson has quickly apologized, but the damage is done.

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