HolyCoast: Cynthia McKinney Turns Green
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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cynthia McKinney Turns Green

No, she didn't have bad sushi in a trendy Capitol Hill restaurant, the wacky former congresswoman is going to be the Green Party nominee for president:
(CNN) -- The liberal environmentalist Green Party nominated former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney as its presidential candidate Saturday.

McKinney, 53, held off three rivals to win the party's nomination during its convention in Chicago, Illinois. She picked journalist and activist Rosa Clemente as her running mate.

Green Party spokeswoman Scott McLarty acknowledged McKinney was a "long shot" for the White House, but said, "Every vote that she gets helps the Green Party."

"The United States needs an alternative party," McLarty said. "The narrow two-party system we have right now has not served us very well."

She sees the presidency as an opportunity to slap White House Secret Service officers instead of slapping lowly Capitol Hill police officers. It's a move up.

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