HolyCoast: Immature Lefties in Action
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Friday, July 04, 2008

Immature Lefties in Action

This headline from Fox News today:

Protesters Interrupt Bush at Independence Day Ceremony for New Citizens

Protesters made it hard to hear President Bush Friday as he welcomed new citizens and marked Independence Day at the home of Thomas Jefferson.

As is the tradition each Fourth of July, a naturalization ceremony was held at Monticello in Charlottesville, Va. This year, 76 immigrants from 30 different countries came to take the oath of citizenship.

But Bush repeatedly was interrupted as he welcomed the guests.

"That man is a fascist!" one protester yelled. Another swore at him.

The protesters later were removed from the ceremony by law enforcement officials.

As always Bush showed the protesters more respect than they deserved. He could have had the last laugh, though, if he'd just used this line:
"You realize, of course, that if I were an actual fascist you'd be dead now."
Wouldn't that be fun?

While doing the KHND radio interview last Tuesday I was asked why conservative speakers are so often interrupted by hecklers and protester while liberal speakers don't seem to suffer that problem. My answer: Maturity. Conservatives can vehemently disagree with the left, but we don't seem to have as many members who suffer from terminal immaturity as does the left. Like three-year-olds clammering for attention, the Code Pinkos and others on the left feel they must interrupt conservative speech lest somebody actually hear it and agree with it. Conservatives, on the other hand, are more than willing to allow liberals to speak. They don't need our help in making fools of themselves.

There's a maturity lacking on the left side of the political argument. Read a lefty blog sometime and you'll see that in many posts and most comments.

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