HolyCoast: The Orange County Fair
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Orange County Fair

The HolyCoast ladies and I spent a few hours at the Orange County Fair to take in the sights and eat some disgustingly huge food. We toured the various display buildings (including the building with the Democrat, Republican and Libertarian booths - that latter easily being the loneliest as the poor souls there tried to foist Bob Barr on passersby), and the I spotted this: Anyplace that advertises a "Giant Western Sausage" can't be all bad, and they weren't lying about the "giant" part:

The picture doesn't really do it justice. I only ate about three bites of bread and then just ate the sausage and peppers. If I'd tried to choke down all that bread too, I would have been sick as a dog.

I don't know if we hit the fair on a down day, or if gas prices and other factors are keeping people away, but from the SkyRide the main drag through the center of the Fairgrounds looked pretty empty. Those walkways are normally pretty crowded, and the product building (to the right) was as empty as I've ever seen it.
The girl and I rode across the Fairgrounds and back and marveled at how much trust we put in a device that carries us 75 feet into the air and is only operated 21 days a year by people with dubious backgrounds.We also rolled the dice and got on the giant Ferris wheel for a nice view of the midway and the crazy rides that I'd never even consider getting on. If it slings you around with high G loads and can be put together in a few hours, I'm not getting on it. Here are a couple of shots from the wheel.The ladies stopped for a picture near one of those crazy rides that, should some carnie forget a key bolt or two, would launch your soon-to-be lifeless body halfway to the beach.We also stopped in the garden area where their piano crop was coming along nicely. You don't want to pick them too early.
Interesting observation of the evening: While walking through the midway my wife pointed out a female patron who had extensive tattoos from her shoulder down to her wrist. Her comment: "There was a time when a person with tattoos like that would be a carnival barker. Now it's just another fairgoer."

Well, that's done for another year.

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