HolyCoast: Jesse Jackson and the "N" Word
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Jesse Jackson and the "N" Word

TVNewser got ahold of part of the now famous Jesse Jackson comments on an open Fox News mic that embarrassed the Obamessiah last week. This isn't going to help:

Exclusive: TVNewser has been sent the transcript of what Jesse Jackson said Sunday morning July 6, as he prepared for an interview on Fox & Friends Weekend. Below is the partial transcript we received in our tips box, and confirmed to be authentic by Fox News Channel representatives.

Barack...he's talking down to black people...telling n—s how to behave.

So, yes. Jesse Jackson did use the "N" word. But it was not directed at Barack Obama. Fox News and Bill O'Reilly have maintained there was more on the tape, but that the un-aired portion was not relevant to the issue at hand: about whether Obama was "talking down" to the black community.

Why did Fox work so hard to protect Jackson once they knew he had used the "N" word to talk about his fellow black people? That's more of a mystery than the fact the Jackson would be caught talking that way.

Remember Michael Richards, the former Seinfeld star? When he used the "N" word Jackson blasted him and tried to get people not to buy Seinfeld's season seven DVDs which were released about the same time. He also called for an industry-wide ban on the "N" word.

Jackson now reminds us of the "H" word - hypocrite.

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