HolyCoast: Ashley Wilkes for VP?
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ashley Wilkes for VP?

The folks at TalkLeft think the Obamessiah is hinting that Gen. Wesley Clark (who is also knows as "Ashley Wilkes" on the Rush Limbaugh show) will be his VP pick. Here's their reasoning:

The Vice Presidential candidate speaks at the Democratic Convention on Wednesday night. The theme that night is "Securing America's Future."

So the VP candidate is someone who fits with that theme. Also, according to another report I read elsewhere, miltary veterans are part of the night's theme.

Could Gen. Wesley Clark be back in the ballgame? His organization is Securing America's Future, the same name as the night's theme. More on that here.

The lefties find this prospect quite exciting, and give a number of reasons why he should be the "Chosen One's" chosen one:

He's actually got progressive views on criminal justice issues and constitutional rights: [More...]

Here's Gen. Clark In 2002:
I'm concerned about the lock-up policy, the 3-strikes policy, putting people in jails and the way we've treated people in prison. We've got to look seriously at the American penal system and what it does when it returns people.to the streets." Source: WBUR Public Radio interview Jun 19, 2003

On the Patriot Act in 2004:
I will suspend the portions of the Patriot Act that have to do with search and seizure law, and we'll go back to old way with probable cause and judges and warrants, and then we'll take the whole act back to the Congress for legislative review. We will have all the authority we need to protect the country from terrorists, but you can't win the war on terror by giving up the very freedoms we're fighting to protect.

He's uneasy about the death penalty and at one point supported a moratorium on it.

He's even open to medical marijuana (same link):
When asked about marijuana laws, he said he opposes the use of the illegal drug. However, he added that he has talked with people who use it to ease their chronic pain. “They said smoking marijuana helps,” he said. “We need to look at that and make some allowances one way or another.”

He would have fired Rumsfeld in 2003.

TalkLeft is quite excited about Wilkes based on the statements above. So am I. McCain will beat him like a drum.

And let's not forget this gem from Wilkes:
The retired general Wesley Clark said McCain had not "held executive responsibility" and had not commanded troops in wartime.

McCain's experience in Vietnam, where he was a prisoner of war for five years, has seemed at times almost to grant him invulnerability to criticism of his security background. But on Sunday he was assailed by a fellow military man, a highly decorated one who was once the NATO supreme commander.

McCain frequently points out that he led "the largest squadron in the U.S. Navy," but Clark said on CBS television that that was not enough to support a claim to the presidency.

"He hasn't been there and ordered the bombs to fall" as a wartime commander, the general said on CBS. Clark is mentioned as a possible Obama running mate, although he originally supported Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

When the interviewer, Bob Schieffer, noted to Clark that McCain had been shot down over Hanoi, Clark replied, "I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president."
Pullllllleeeeeaaaaazzze pick Wesley Clark to be VP. That would be a godsend for Republicans.

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