HolyCoast: Don't Look for Mike Huckabee in a McCain Cabinet
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Don't Look for Mike Huckabee in a McCain Cabinet

Former Governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has some exciting future plans, and none of them involve working in government:
Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor and Baptist preacher who ran for president but admitted that he had "majored in miracles,'' is gearing up for a weekend cable TV show set to debut on the FOX News Channel this fall.

"I can say it's gonna be unlike anything else that's on Fox and maybe on cable," the Republican told an Arkansas newspaper over the weekend.

Huckabee, promising a live audience for the show, suggests that "politics will be a part of it, but it certainly won't be all of it.''

But what if Sen. John McCain wins the White House in November. Will Huckabee forfeit FOX for a Cabinet post, perhaps?

"Why would I want to do that?" Huckabee replies. "I'm gonna have a good life out here in the private sector. Why would I go back to telling everybody in the world how much money I make and . . . barely surviving to have some obscure Cabinet post and have some 20-year-old from the White House telling me what I'm gonna do?"
Good for Mike. He's done his stint in public service. Now it's time to have a little fun.

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