HolyCoast: ATTENTION MAINSTREAM MEDIA: You Can Stop Covering for John Edwards Now
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Friday, August 08, 2008

ATTENTION MAINSTREAM MEDIA: You Can Stop Covering for John Edwards Now

It looks like the National Enquirer not only scooped the entire mainstream media, but has embarrassed them badly as well since they refused to follow-up the story of John Edwards, the mistress and the love child:

John Edwards repeatedly lied during his Presidential campaign about an extramarital affair with a novice filmmaker, the former Senator admitted to ABC News today.

Democratic presidential candidate former U.S. Senator John Edwards (D-NC) speaks to supporters during a campaign event at the Keene State University in Keene, New

In an interview for broadcast tonight on Nightline, Edwards told ABC News correspondent Bob Woodruff he did have an affair with 44-year old Rielle Hunter, but said that he did not love her.

Edwards also denied he was the father of Hunter's baby girl, Frances Quinn, although the one-time Democratic Presidential candidate said he has not taken a paternity test.

Edwards said he knew he was not the father based on timing of the baby's birth on February 27, 2008. He said his affair ended too soon for him to have been the father.

A former campaign aide, Andrew Young, has said he was the father of the child.

This won't go away until he takes that paternity test. There was no father's name shown on the birth certificate, so given Edwards' history of lying, there's no reason to accept this explanation without further evidence.

Of course, we all know that lying about sex is okay if you're a Democrat, so perhaps Edwards will still get that prime time convention speech after all.

I guess there are two Americas after all - the one Edwards shared with his wife and the one he shared with his girlfriend.

Earlier today I wrote this:
My expectation is that shortly before the convention he'll issue a release stating that his wife's health will require him to miss the gathering. He'll go for the sympathy play to divert attention from the story, but he definitely won't be on the dais in Denver.
I still think that will happen. His wife's health will be the issue, but not her cancer. She will have injured her arm hitting him on the head with a brick.

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