HolyCoast: The Cult of the Obamessiah
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Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Cult of the Obamessiah

After watching the first couple of minutes of Obama's speech in the Greek temple, does anyone doubt that the Obama campaign is little more than a huge personality cult? The people who have been sitting there for hours are going to need deprogramming before they'll be useful members of society again.

I get the feeling if Obama announced that ushers were handing out the Kool-Aide nobody would turn them down.

UPDATE: Some of the comments at The Corner are classic. Here are a few:

Obama: "A Promise is the Only Reason I'm Standing Here." [Mark Hemingway]
Well, it's certainly not because of his qualifications or experience.

And I Promise.... [Jonah Goldberg]
Never again will Americans step in unicorn poop. Not on my watch!

My Takeaway from this Speech [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
Government can do anything. I've been wanting a Tiffany bracelet...

Yeesh [Mark Hemingway]
There's a fine line between indignant and angry, and Obama is swerving back and forth all over it.

The Transformation is Complete [Nathan Goulding]
Not that many of us here didn't already know this, but for those undecided swing voters in middle America, this speech I think will convince everyone that Barack Obama is who they were afraid he was: just another Democratic politician.

Obama: "This election is not about me. It's about you." [Mark Hemingway]
Is Obama breaking up with us?

And My Fellow Americans... [Jonah Goldberg]
If we all work our hardest, we can make this the best yearbook ever!

Instead of "I Have a Dream" [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
I have a grievance.

Not Great [Mark R. Levin]
This is not a great speech, and it is not a great delivery. Obama is unloading every catch-phrase that has been uttered at these conventions since Franklin Roosevelt. His arrogance punches you in the nose. And he is on the stage way too long. He will be appeal to many because of our times, but hopefully not enough.

I have a new entrant in my "When Were They Lying" game:
Was Barack Obama lying when he called flag pins "symbol of false patriotism, or when he wore a flag pin to his Greek temple speech."
John McCain comments on the speech:
“When the temple comes down, the fireworks end, and the words are over, the facts remain…Barack Obama is still not ready to be President.”

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