HolyCoast: Dems Plan Futile Protest of Cheney in San Clemente
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dems Plan Futile Protest of Cheney in San Clemente

The dead-end kids of the Democratic party just have to act up whenever Dick Cheney is around:
Vice President Dick Cheney will drop in Wednesday at Camp Pendleton for a visit with servicemen and women before speaking at a fundraiser for Republican Congressman Ken Calvert in San Clemente.

"The vice president will attend a briefing with military officials at Camp Pendleton," said the Office of the Vice President. He will not be making any remarks to the media during the visit.

Democrats, meanwhile, are planning a protest march in San Clemente, where later in the day Cheney will help raise money for Calvert, R-Corona, who is running for re-election in November.

While the Office of the Vice President on Tuesday would only say that the location for the fundraiser is a private San Clemente residence, the event is reportedly being held at Casa Pacifica, also known as President Nixon's "Western White House."

My question for the Dems: Why bother? Cheney isn't running for anything, he'll be out of office in five months and you'll probably never see him again, and Calvert should win reelection with ease. You're never going to be able to consummate your desire to try Cheney on war crimes charges. Why bother with a futile protest? It's just stupid.

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