HolyCoast: How Not to Win Over Hillary Supporters
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How Not to Win Over Hillary Supporters

Party unity, my rear end:
The political director of Colorado's Democratic Party has threatened the status of a Boulder delegate because she made what he calls disparaging public remarks about Senator Obama. A Denver TV station reports that Sacha Millstone admits her comments were critical, but says they were made in an e-mail to a fellow delegate.

Millstone supported Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primary and wrote in the e-mail she was unsure if she could vote for Obama. Her fellow delegate complained, and Millstone was told by the Colorado Democratic Party's William Compton, "You are directed to come into the party headquarters and explain your comments and why you should remain a national delegate."

Millstone says she feels intimidated, adding, "It sounded very totalitarian. I thought it sounded undemocratic... you can't get unity by telling people to shut up."
The Denver Post reports the state committee says it has dropped the matter.
Maybe the Obanessiah should write a little red book that all his disciples can carry around to show their loyalty (or must carry around).

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