HolyCoast: Diehard Hillary Fans Aren't Ready to Give Up
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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Diehard Hillary Fans Aren't Ready to Give Up

I read a couple of lefty blogs, No Quarter and Hillbuzz, both of which are populated by ardent Hillary Clinton supporters who are not at all interested in supporting the Obamessiah. They don't even try to pretend that party unity is a goal. They're not alone, either:

Diehard Hillary Clinton backers stepped up a campaign Wednesday to get their heroine onto the nominating ballot alongside White House hopeful Barack Obama at this month's Democratic convention.

The group Colorado Women Count/Women Vote said it would hold a pro-Clinton parade in Denver on August 26, the second day of the convention when the New York senator is rumored to be given a prime-time speaking slot.

The date is also the 88th anniversary of female suffrage in the United States, and the group said it would press home its demand for Clinton supporters to have a chance to vote for her on the first ballot with Obama.

Even if she has no chance of winning, given Obama's overall lead in the delegate count, such a vote would mark a symbolic confirmation of the nearly 18 million primary votes won by Clinton during her battle for the nomination.

But other pro-Clinton groups such as PUMA (Party Unity My Ass) claim that she could still win the nomination if enough Obama delegates can be persuaded to switch sides at the Denver convention, and are lobbying to that end.

"That is not going to happen!" Clinton told a group of female supporters a week ago, while appearing to back the efforts to get her name on the first ballot as a cathartic exercise for the sake of Democratic unity.

"What we want to have happen is for Senator Obama to be nominated by a unified convention of Democrats," she said.

"The best way I think to do that is to have a strategy so that my delegates feel like they've had a role and that their legitimacy has been validated."

It's probably a done deal that Hillary won't be on the nominating ballot, and no matter how she tries to placate her supporters, they will not be happy.

The Dem Convention should be pretty entertaining.

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