HolyCoast: Obamessiah's Vacation Comes Just as Voters Are Getting Sick of Him
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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Obamessiah's Vacation Comes Just as Voters Are Getting Sick of Him

The Obamessiah is heading to Hawaii to return to the land of his birth (do they have mangers in the 50th state?). His vacation timing is good because new polling suggests that voters are getting sick of him:
Barack Obama needs a break. So on Friday he's heading to Hawaii for a weeklong family vacation.

Good timing, because much of the public apparently needs a rest from him.

The Pew Research Center reports that Obama's mush-discussed "media dominance may not be working in his favor." A Pew poll conducted over the last few days found that almost half -- 48% -- of those surveyed said "they have been hearing too much about Obama lately."

One possible upshot: According to the Pew pollsters, "by a slight, but statistically significant margin -- 22% to 16% -- people say that recently they have a less rather than more favorable view of the putative Democratic nominee."

If there was ever a classic case of overexposure, it's Obama. The media fawning is even beginning to wear on them, and the voters have seen plenty. Both Obama and McCain have made big media buys during the Olympics, and I think that's a mistake. Yes, lots of eyeballs will see them, but those eyeballs will have been watching Olympic competition and will resent the Games being interrupted by these two knuckleheads.

If McCain is smart he'll run ads that are clever and humorous, rather than trying to play up the war hero image or play on serious themes. Entertaining ads will keep people from hating him quite so much for interrupting their Olympics watching.

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