HolyCoast: Former Dem Chair Don Fowler Issues Classic Non-Apology Apology UPDATE: Moore too
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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Former Dem Chair Don Fowler Issues Classic Non-Apology Apology UPDATE: Moore too

Former Dem Party Chairman Don Fowler really stepped in it when he was caught laughing about Hurricane Gustav and claiming it proved that "God was on their side" because it had the potential to devastate New Orleans like Katrina did. Today, under a lot of fire from within and without his party, Don Fowler issued the classic non-apology apology:

ABC News' Teddy Davis Reports: Former DNC Chairman Don Fowler apologized on Sunday for joking in a private conversation that the timing of Hurricane Gustav demonstrates that God is on the side of the Democrats.

"If this offended anybody, I personally apologize," Fowler told ABC News. "It was a mistake, and it was a satirical statement made in jest. And one that I clearly don't believe." ...

"One doesn't anticipate that one's private conversation will be surreptitiously taped by some right-wing nutcase," said Fowler. "But that's the nature of what we're dealing with."

One also does not expect high ranking Democrats to be so callous about their fellow citizens.

Of course he believes exactly what he said. And why do I call this a "non-apology apology"? Because he didn't just say "I personally apologize", he had to qualify it with "If this offended anybody". That's a stupid statement because it offended a lot of people, but what he's really saying is "if you're dumb enough to believe I meant what I said, I'll pretend to apologize to you".

They ought to play that video at the RNC...about every 30 minutes or so.

UPDATE: Michael Moore jumps into the non-apology apology game:
Friday, we noted Michael Moore's comments on MSNBC describing the timing of Hurricane Gustav (during the Republican convention) as divine intervention.

Today, Moore -- who almost immediately came under fire for his remarks -- responded by releasing an "open letter to God."

In it, the filmmaker urged the Almighty: "So please God, let the storm die out at sea. It's done enough damage already. If you do this one favor for me, I promise not to invoke your name again."

At which point God said "Depart from me, I never knew you."

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