HolyCoast: Gustav Messes Up Dem's Plans Too
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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Gustav Messes Up Dem's Plans Too

The Democrats were hoping to inject themselves into the GOP convention the same way the GOP did during theirs, but Gustav has changed everybody's plans:
ST. PAUL (Map, News) - Democrats in town to staff an aggressive "war room" operation during the GOP convention have instead laid down their arms as Hurricane Gustav bears down on the Gulf Coast.

Republicans announcing a dramatic rewrite Sunday of their convention script, dropping political speeches from Monday's program, and Democrats are responding in kind. A Sunday media tour of the party's operation in St. Paul that was to have featured Minnesota Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar was abruptly canceled.

And with the cancellation of Monday's convention appearances by President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, Democrats shelved a "More of the Same" rally that was to have featured hundreds of protesters.

Although this is a good first step, I still haven't heard anything about the Obama campaign suspending campaign activities on Monday. My guess is they'll continue as planned and come up with a silly reason why.

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