HolyCoast: Hillary Supporters Fail to Kill Caucus System
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Monday, August 11, 2008

Hillary Supporters Fail to Kill Caucus System

At the meeting of the platform committee for the Dem convention Hillary supporters tried to kill the caucus system that did their girl so much damage during the primary campaign:
Hillary Rodham Clinton loyalists tried Saturday to kill off the caucus system that proved so damaging to her presidential bid, but were beaten back by a Democratic Party leadership firmly under the command of her former rival, Barack Obama.

Democrats who supported the New York senator's candidacy pushed to amend the new party platform so that caucuses would be banned in future presidential contests.

But the party's platform committee refused to allow a vote on the amendment or even a discussion. Co-chair Patricia Madrid, a former New Mexico attorney general, said the matter would instead be taken up at a later date by the party's rules committee.

That left Clinton supporters disappointed. They say that if the party were serious about enfranchising more voters, it would take a clear position against a system that makes participation difficult for shift workers, the disabled and overseas members of the military. In traditional primaries, people have all day to vote. But a caucus may last just a few hours.
It's true that the caucus system limits participation since they take place at a certain location and time as opposed to all-day voting, but each state party should have the right to set the rules according to what they think works for them. If they really want to reform the system they should get rid of open primaries. It's never made sense to me to allow voters who are not party members to vote in your primary. Operations Chaos, which encouraged Republicans to vote in the Dem primary for Hillary Clinton, probably benefited Hillary considerably in several states, but it's a perfect set-up for abuse.

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