HolyCoast: Wanted: Conservative Commentators for Al Jazeera
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Monday, August 11, 2008

Wanted: Conservative Commentators for Al Jazeera

Two prominent conservative commentators, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs, and David Frum were both contacted by the terror-supporting Arab "news" agency Al Jazeera and offered commentary slots on their weekly political news show. Here's Charles' response:

I’ll post my answer in public.


And here’s one reason (out of many): Video: Al Jazeera Throws Party for Child Killer.

It’s sad and disturbing to see Americans shilling for these terrorist enablers. But I guess the Muslim Brotherhood’s money soothes all pangs of conscience, for some people.

David Frum was just as enthusiastic in his refusal.

For the record, I wouldn't do it either, though I probably won't get asked.

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