HolyCoast: How Should the GOP Respond to Hurricane Gustav?
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Saturday, August 30, 2008

How Should the GOP Respond to Hurricane Gustav?

I'm going to put myself in the position of Republican Convention spokesman being interviewed by some network stooge intent on making the GOP look bad because a hurricane is going to hit Louisiana during the Republican Convention:

Network Stooge: "Mr. HolyCoast, given the beating the president and the GOP took in 2005 because of their slow response to Hurricane Katrina, leaving an entire city of black people to drown, are you afraid that continuing with the convention will look bad in the eyes of the voters?"

GOP Spokesman Mr. HolyCoast: "Well, Stooge, as you know despite Barack Obama's promise to reduce sea levels should he be elected, he's still only a candidate so he hasn't had a chance to get that done yet and there's not much any of us mere mortals can do to control a monster storm like Gustav. The timing of any hurricane is unfortunate, but since conventions are held in August, a conflict like this is always a possibility. Thank goodness we didn't book the Superdome this year.

First of all, all GOP elected officials in areas likely to be affected by the storm will be at their posts doing what they were elected to do...serving the people. Governors Perry of Texas, Jindal of Louisiana, Barbour of Mississippi and Riley of Alabama will all be in their home states overseeing any rescue and recovery efforts. Other GOP officials at the federal and state levels will be doing their jobs to serve the people who elected them.

Senator McCain and Gov. Palin will be watching the situation closely and will do whatever they can do to assist. A visit to the affected area is not out of the question.

As far as the convention itself goes, as both you and the Democrats know, this is a huge undertaking, some 18 months in the planning process. Hundreds of contracts have been issued required specific performance at a specific time, and you can't quickly undo or change those arrangements. The convention center, hotels, flights, and other arrangements cannot be moved on short notice. Consequently, those GOP officials who are from areas that aren't likely to be affected by Gustav will be in Minneapolis and will conduct the convention's business as planned.

Although the Democrats and your fellow Network Stooges will try and make us look bad for continuing with our business, there's no doubt that the Democrats would do the same thing if they were in our place (except, of course, they don't have any Gulf state governors).

Next question.

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