HolyCoast: Is There an Upside to the Russian Invasion of Georgia?
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Is There an Upside to the Russian Invasion of Georgia?

Jim Pethokoukis of US News suggests there is:
We also now have greater clarity on the need to dramatically reduce our dependence on foreign oil. As fast as possible without ruining the economy. It's "all of the above" time, gang—domestic drilling, nukes, concentrated solar, deep geothermal, clean coal, and whatever else Silicon Valley and heroic capitalists everywhere can dream up as we conduct a market-driven transition to a post-hydrocarbon economy. Now the inside-the-beltway types tend to pooh-pooh all this, as if anyone suggesting energy independence is an isolationist, nativist rube who wants to turn America into Juche North Korea. But why they would want to risk the American economy potentially held hostage to, say, a couple of oil pipelines running through Soviet-occupied—I mean, Russian-occupied—Georgia is baffling to me.

Yep. Do them all, and give precedence to those things will will produce results the fastest - drilling.

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