HolyCoast: OC Democrats Grumble About the Saddleback Civil Forum Ticket Prices
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

OC Democrats Grumble About the Saddleback Civil Forum Ticket Prices

Last week I posted the email from Rick Warren announcing how tickets would be distributed for Saturday's Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion. The church was giving members the first opportunity to enter various drawings for tickets costing anywhere from $500 to $2,000, depending on how close you would sit to the Obamessiah (sitting within his aura - priceless!).

Today the OC Register has a story about the ticket sales, and includes some complaints coming from Orange County Democrats who apparently were hoping for some kind of affirmative action plan for their members:
Ross said Saddleback decided to charge admission to the event because of the expenses to put it on and provide television feeds to a host of networks, including CNN and Fox, both of which will broadcast the event live.

"The original intent was that anything beyond a production costs would go toward the PEACE plan,'' Ross said. That project funds the church's global missions. "It's a way for Saddleback members to participate in that effort."

Orange County Democratic Party Chairman Frank Barbaro said he is concerned that charging for tickets – with tickets costing up to $2,000 – will shut out many Obama supporters from the event.

"I don't think anybody thought going in that this was going to be a fundraiser,'' said Barbaro, who as of now hasn't received any tickets for local Democratic activists. "It seems that this will skew the audience to a more well-heeled Republican element.''

Barbaro said he knows there were many Saddleback church members, "especially young Democrats, who had been online trying to get in and now will have absolutely no chance to see this by virtue of the expense.''

With prices for tickets ranging from $500 to $2,000, the church could take in between $2.5 million and $10 million, based on 5,000 tickets being available.

But Orange County Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh said has no problem with the way Warren is handling the forum.
Note to Orange County Democrats: This is not a political rally. It's not even a debate. The candidates will appear separately answering questions on compassion and leadership. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzz..... I'm falling asleep just thinking about it.

You can watch it live on CNN or Fox from 5-8 pm PT to get your Obamessiah fix. You wouldn't want to be sitting near a bunch of rich Republicans anyway.

Me, I'll be traveling, but if I can get to a TV, I'll be watching the Olympics.

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