HolyCoast: Kennedy Tapes a Video Spot for the Dem Convention
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Monday, August 04, 2008

Kennedy Tapes a Video Spot for the Dem Convention

It's looking like Sen. Ted Kennedy will not be able to attend the Democrat Convention in Denver this month, but his presence will be felt:
BOSTON (AP) — Sen. Edward Kennedy will have a presence at the Democratic National Convention even if he can't make it to Denver.

A Kennedy spokeswoman said Monday that the Massachusetts senator taped a five-minute video over the weekend to air during the party gathering at the end of the month. Crews visited his home on Cape Cod.

Kennedy suffered a seizure at his Hyannis Port house on May 17 and was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. He underwent surgery and recently completed a six-week course of chemotherapy and radiation.

Kennedy made a surprise visit to the Senate floor in July to cast a Medicare vote, but his immune system remains repressed and it's unclear if he can attend a large public event like the convention.

I'll make a prediction. Kennedy will, of course, get a rousing welcome from the convention even if only on tape, and somebody (most likely suspect Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa) will stand and tell the delegates that they need to "do it for Ted, elect Obama for Ted!!".

And, should Kennedy leave this mortal coil before November 4th, his memorial will be the biggest political rally in history and will make the Paul Wellstone memorial/election rally look like a wake.

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