HolyCoast: McCain Loses the Celebutard Vote
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Monday, August 04, 2008

McCain Loses the Celebutard Vote

After pointing out Paris Hilton as an example of a celebrity without portfolio in his "Celeb" ad, John McCain may be losing the celebutard vote:
Kathy Hilton had sharp words for John McCain after the senator and presidential candidate she financially supported used her daughter Paris in an advertisement comparing the young Miss Hilton to Barack Obama.

Kathy Hilton and her husband, the grandson of Hilton Hotel founder Conrad Hilton, donated $4,600 to Sen. John McCain's campaign, reports ABC News, but saw some of the presumptive GOP candidate's funds spent on creating a commercial that used images of Britney Spears and their daughter Paris to make light of Obama's celebrity status.

Kathy Hilton's feelings on the expenditure were made clear in comments posted on the Huffington Post.

"It is a complete waste of the money John McCain's contributors have donated to his campaign," Hilton said.

Hilton's criticism of the commercial continued, "It is a complete waste of the country's time and attention at the very moment when millions of people are losing their homes and their jobs. And it is a completely frivolous way to choose the next President of the United States."
Hilton may have a right to be mad that she donated to a guy who dissed her daughter, but she hasn't exactly demonstrated a lack of frivolity in the raising of her daughter.

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