HolyCoast: NY Post Ask Obamessiah Disciples Their Toughest Question
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Sunday, August 03, 2008

NY Post Ask Obamessiah Disciples Their Toughest Question

The NY Post decided to ask some Obama supporters a question that was clearly beyond their comprehension:
As it turns out, there is a way to render the most vocal Obamamanic speechless: Ask if the possibility - however slight, however remote - of their candidate losing is something that may have ever, for the briefest moment, crossed their mind.

"I hadn't even thought about it," says Brooklynite Jeff Strabone, who has gone so far as to adopt Obama's middle name, Hussein, as his own. ("I thought, 'Let's make it an asset - like, "I am Spartacus!' "). Strabone was planning to keep the Hussein through election day, but if Obama loses, "I may have to keep it a little longer." Also, he would cry: "That's what I'll do. It would mean the country wants to go backwards, towards fear, anti-intellectualism. I don't know . . . I don't even want to think about it." "It's funny - I hadn't even thought about it once," says Jake Abraham, who has produced events for the Obama campaign. "It's totally possible - we're often in the situation where the Democrat loses. George Bush was a terrible, terrible president. But Karl Rove was very sly, and he put together a very mannered strategy that worked. There are plenty of uninformed voters out there, and all you have to do is scare them." It may not take much. According to a recent Newsweek poll, those white voters most reluctant to vote for a black man are, shockingly, in the 18-29 age group.

"I would imagine that those voters are, for the most part, uneducated," says Michael Fauntroy, author of "Republicans and the Black Vote." Fauntroy subscribes to the conventional wisdom that Obama's only two obstacles are inexperience and race, with only one of those issues up for discussion. "The media doesn't want to talk about race because you could inflame the issue," he says. "The GOP doesn't want to have this discussion either. No one wants to have it." Fauntroy believes that the Bradley effect, by definition unquantifiable, may be responsible for Obama's inability to break open a wider lead against McCain in the polls.

So, to summarize, if you don't vote for Obama you're racist or uneducated. But you knew that already.

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