HolyCoast: "Obama Republicans" Are Mythical Creatures
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"Obama Republicans" Are Mythical Creatures

Newsweek did an examination of so-called "Obamacans", or Obama Republicans, and came to an interesting conclusion:

But are there enough rank-and-file Republicans whispering their support at Obama rallies to actually make a difference on Election Day? As I discovered from examination the last 18 months of head-to-head general election polls, the answer seems to be "no." In fact, John McCain's share of the Democratic vote has typically--and surprisingly--been larger than Obama's share of the Republican vote. In other words, it's not that the Rev. Jeremiah Wright scared the Obamacan masses off, as some pundits have theorized--it's that they never existed (in any unprecedented way) to begin with.

This kind of goes hand in hand with these numbers :
"Obama is supported by 77% of Democrats while McCain earns the vote from 85% of Republicans."
Obama's support may be deep with blacks and most Democrats, but it's shallow everywhere else.

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