HolyCoast: Obamessiah Disciples Consider McCain's Ad a "Sacrilege"
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Saturday, August 02, 2008

Obamessiah Disciples Consider McCain's Ad a "Sacrilege"

Yesterday I had a piece on McCain's new web ad called "the One" and one comment was interesting enough that I have to move it up to the front page to show just how the Obamessiah's disciples are reacting and how right on the mark the ad is. Here's what commenter Greekwood had to say about it:
You can't be serious that you think this is brilliant in a productive for John McCain sense. This sacrilege is going to allow Obama to march straight to the mountain-top. People are fed up with these Neo-Con tactics. He'd be better off sticking to the facts.
Look at the language this disciple uses: "sacrilege". I decided to pull the dictionary.com definition for that word:

1. the violation or profanation of anything sacred or held sacred.
2. an instance of this.
3. the stealing of anything consecrated to the service of God.
There's a least on disciple (and I suspect millions more) who actually look at Obama as a god-like creature and consider McCain's mocking of his god complex to be a violation of something sacred. Hence the word "sacrilege" in his description.

It's been apparent for some time that the left has no real sense of humor, and that's the other thing that makes McCain's recent ads effective. If the ads were just slashing attacks the potential for backfiring would be great, but by using a healthy dose of humor, the ads aggravate the right people without hurting McCain with other voters. That's why I called them "brilliant" and continue to believe that they can be highly effective in undermining the aura of inevitability that the press and the campaign promotes around the Obamessiah.

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