HolyCoast: Obamessiah Saves Georgia
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Obamessiah Saves Georgia

At least that's the story being promoted by potential VP Virginia Governor Tim Kaine:

On Fox this morning, Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine explained how Obama saved Georgia:

“It was a bad crisis for the world. It required tough words but also a smart approach to call on the international community to step in. And I’m very, very happy that the Senator's (Obama) request for a ceasefire has been complied with by President Medvedev.”

The McCain Report is full of praise for the vacationing Obamessiah:
Of course the Russians complied with his request. They've also started inflating their tires in order to reduce domestic demand and free up oil for export markets. It's like we don't even need to elect Obama to the White House--he can stop the rise of the seas, heal the planet, and bring us peace in our time just by issuing press releases from the comfort of his Hawaiian retreat.
Unfortunately for Gov. Kaine and the Obamessiah, the Russians may say they're winding down in Geogia, but thinks keep blowing up down there for no apparent reason. Surprisingly, Russian words are not matching Russian deeds. I wonder if the Obamessiah understands that the Russians tend to do that sort of thing.

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