HolyCoast: Stupid Republicans for Obama
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Stupid Republicans for Obama

There's a new political group backing the Obamessiah: (Stupid) Republicans for Obama
This morning, former Iowa Republican Congressman Jim Leach, former Rhode Island Republican Senator Lincoln Chaffee, and prominent lawyer and former White House intelligence advisor Rita E. Hauser will host a conference call to endorse Senator Barack Obama and announce the formation of (Stupid) Republicans for Obama. Across the country Democrats, independents, and Republicans are coming together in support of Senator Obama to bring change to Washington. Obama has a strong record of bringing people together from the left and the right to solve problems, leading with superior judgment on foreign policy issues, and demonstrating fiscal responsibility.

Amazingly, Obama has absolutely no record of "bringing people together from the left and the right to solve problems". He's been a completely partisan shill for the liberal Democrats. Obama supporters cannot point to a single instance in which the Obamessiah crossed the aisle to work with Republicans because to this day in the Senator's short history it's never happened.

He also has demonstrated neither "superior judgment on foreign policy issues" nor "fiscal responsibility". His "judgment" calls for unrestricted negotiation with foreign tyrants, and his "fiscal responsibility" must refer to his economic program which would dramatically increase the deficit and the national debt.

And, how does Lincoln Chafee qualify as a "Republican for Obama"? He left the party in October of 2007 and is now a registered independent.

Perhaps the title of this silly organization should be (Lying Stupid) Republicans for Obama is entirely appropriate.

UPDATE: The Corner suggests that the best response by McCain would be "Hillary Supporters for McCain" with Geraldine Ferraro as the chairwoman. I agree. I bet that organization would sign up supporters a lot faster than (Stupid) Republicans for Obama.

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