HolyCoast: Ordering a Gay Day Celebration in California Public Schools
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Friday, August 08, 2008

Ordering a Gay Day Celebration in California Public Schools

The California State Legislature has a budget with a $15 billion dollar deficit, but fixing that is not as important as passing new laws requiring celebrations of homosexuality in public schools:

Only a year after banning all negative messages about homosexuality in public schools throughout the state, the California Legislature now is ordering school children to celebrate "gay" lifestyle choices.

"If signed into law, AB 2567 will mean an official day commemorating homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality in California government schools," said Randy Thomasson, president of the Campaign for Children and Families.

"This will harm children as young as kindergarten," he said. "Every May 22, AB 2567 will positively portray to children homosexual experimentation, homosexual 'marriages,' sex-change operations, and anything else that's 'in the closet.' Gov. Schwarzenegger should say no to this very inappropriate bill, which has nothing to do with academic excellences."

Thomasson said the passage by lawmakers of AB 2567 will require all California public schools to "conduct suitable commemorative exercises" in honor of the anti-religious, sexual-anarchy agenda of Harvey Milk, the late San Francisco supervisor who was a homosexual activist.

The California Assembly approved the plan 43-26 and the Senate 22-13, with both votes along party lines of Democrats supporting the homosexual agenda.

Perhaps those students whose parents disagree with this new law could bring Twinkies to school that day as a "suitable commemorative exercise".

I'm so glad that my kids have only one more year in California public schools.

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