HolyCoast: The President Worships in China
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Monday, August 11, 2008

The President Worships in China

Although the panel on Fox News Sunday universally agreed that President Bush should not have gone to China, I disagreed and posted awhile back that this church service, if nothing else, was a good reason to go. How better to reinforce the idea of promoting religious freedom in China than to show up in a Chinese church. The President had this to say following the service:
THE PRESIDENT: You know, I've just -- Laura and I just had the great joy and privilege of worshiping here in Beijing, China. You know, it just goes to show that God is universal, and God is love, and no state, man or woman should fear the influence of loving religion.

And I want to thank the pastor for his hospitality. And I want to thank this beautiful choir for singing Amazing Grace and Edelweiss. It was a touching moment. It's been a joy to worship here. Again, I want to thank you, sir, and God bless you. God bless you.
I firmly believe that Bush was right to go to China. The Olympics are not supposed to be about politics, and boycotting the games solves nothing (just ask Jimmuh Carter and all the athletes that got screwed out of the Moscow Games in 1980, and then were retailiated against in 1984 when the Soviet Bloc stayed home).

The president has shown the flag to the Chinese people and the world, and given the raucus cheer that went up when the Americans marched in Friday night, it was the right thing to do.

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