HolyCoast: Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Love Letter to America and the Obamessiah
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Monday, August 11, 2008

Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Love Letter to America and the Obamessiah

I'm sure the Obamessiah's campaign is thrilled to hear this:
In October, Obama’s former pastor, Wright, will publish a new book and hit the road to promote it, an occasion that might well place the topic of Obama’s blackness (along with his patriotism and his candor about what he heard in the pews in all those years at Trinity Church) squarely at the center of the national debate.
It looks like the good reverend has decided to crawl out from under Obama's bus and start firing back. You just have to believe this book will not be flattering to Obama, even if his name is never mentioned. It will bring back all the inflamatory statements made by Rev. Wright, and the fact that Obama was a big fan and supporter for more than 20 years.

Hell hath no fury like a crazy reverend scorned.

UPDATE: Wright now denying that a book is coming.

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