HolyCoast: Today's Interesting Poll Results
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Monday, August 11, 2008

Today's Interesting Poll Results

Rasmussen released polling on a number of issues of interest in this election year. First, from The Corner:
Today's Rasmussen daily tracking poll has 80% of Democrats supporting Obama and 87% of Republicans supporting McCain. There are still a healthy number of undecideds. This conflicts with the stream of media reports that Obamacons, evangelicals, black conservatives and independents are flocking to Obama.
Many Democrats are still leery of the Obamessiah. And, in other news:
"Nearly two-thirds of Americans (64 percent) support offshore oil drilling, according to a new Rasmussen poll. And 42 percent say offshore oil drilling would have the biggest impact in terms of reducing oil prices. Only 20 percent of Americans now oppose offshore drilling. And in terms of reducing oil prices, building more nuclear plants and developing more fuel-efficient cars rate only 16 percent."
That issue is still tailor-made for the GOP - they just have to take advantage of it. And then there's this:
55% Say Media Bias Bigger Problem Than Campaign Cash. "The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 55% believe media bias is more of a problem than big campaign contributions. Thirty-six percent (36%) disagree and think that campaign cash is a bigger problem."
All three of these are good news for Republicans.

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