HolyCoast: San Fran Nan Feels The Heat From the Environwackos
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Friday, August 15, 2008

San Fran Nan Feels The Heat From the Environwackos

San Fran Nan is getting it from both sides. The American people want to see more oil drilling and are pressuring her and the Dems to allow a vote, and the environwackos are pressuring her and the Dems (which they own) to stop all drilling. She clearly doesn't know where to turn:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday firmly rejected the idea of a House vote solely on the issue of offshore oil drilling, calling it "a hoax on the American people" backed by oil companies.

Instead, she said, she wants Congress to tackle a compromise comprehensive energy plan that would include alternative energy sources and curtailing tax breaks for oil companies.

"You want to drill? We want the royalties for the American people, and we want that to pay for renewable energy resources," the San Francisco Democrat said in an interview for KQED television's weekly news show, "This Week in Northern California." "We want to connect all that together."
As I said previously, she wants a poison pill bill that will be so full of junk that no Republican will support that she can claim to offer drilling while the Republicans refuse to support the bill. She wants the issue, but not the solution to the energy problem.

If drilling is a "hoax" that can't be allowed to come to a vote, what's she afraid of? Certainly Congress would never vote to support a hoax. Her lack of confidence in her position says a lot about whether drilling is a hoax, or an actual answer to some of our energy problems.

How bad is it to be San Fran Nan these days? She's getting heckled at public events - by lefties:
Pelosi was heckled and interrupted later Thursday at an event at the Cowell Theater, where she was being interviewed by KQED talk show host Michael Krasny. About 100 protesters advocating impeachment of President Bush interrupted the speaker, who remained calmer than many angry listeners who shouted down the hecklers. Several people were removed, but there were no arrests.
She's the leader of the San Francisco dim bulb society, and they don't even like her very much.

UPDATE: San Fran Nan is getting the "why haven't you impeached Bush" treatment everywhere she goes during her futile attempt to promote her book.

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