HolyCoast: Greg Laurie's "Speech"
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Friday, August 15, 2008

Greg Laurie's "Speech"

I saw this interesting sentence in an Orange County Register article about this weekend's Harvest Crusade featuring Pastor Greg Laurie, whose son Christopher was recently killed in a high profile auto accident. Do you think the writer of this article has ever attended church?:
After Laurie finishes his speech, he asks those who want to receive Christ to make their way down to the field and pray.
His "speech"? Note to the editors at The Register: Pastors give sermons, not speeches. There is a difference.

UPDATE: Awhile after writing the above I had an AHA! moment when I remembered a story I had back in June announcing that the Register was going to start farming out some of its editing to a firm in India. Could this story be a victim of that foreign editing? Could it be that the word "sermon" is an unknown term to the Indian editor and he substituted "speech" because it made more sense to him? I don't know, but that could explain it.

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