HolyCoast: Today's Campaign Laugher - John Kerry Compares Sarah Palin to Dick Cheney
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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Today's Campaign Laugher - John Kerry Compares Sarah Palin to Dick Cheney

John Kerry is running neck-and-neck with Jimmuh Carter to see who can make the most outlandish statements about the campaign. Jimmuh tried to suggest that John McCain was "milking" his POW experience during the campaign, and you'd think that a comment like that would give Jimmuh an insurmountable lead in the stupidity quotient, but wait, John Kerry's got one that's even better!
(CNN) – Presumptive Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin has been compared to past VP picks Dan Quayle and Geraldine Ferraro for her relatively low profile on the national stage, but now Democrats are likening the Alaskan governor to another running mate: Vice President Dick Cheney.

Speaking on ABC's "This Week" Sunday, Sen. John Kerry said Palin is a member of the "flat-earth caucus" and her stances on climate change are in lock-step with those of the vice president.

"With the choice of Governor Palin, it's now the third term of Dick Cheney, because what he's done is he's chosen somebody who actually doesn't believe that climate change is manmade," Kerry said.

Kerry also said Palin is "Cheney-esque" when it comes to her conservative stances on social issues.

Shortly before being named John McCain's running mate, Palin told the conservative magazine Newsmax she does not believe climate change is man-made — a statement that puts her at odds with the preumptive GOP nominee and the 2008 Republican platform.

"A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location," Palin told the magazine. "I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made."
Yeah, I can see the resemblance.

Going after Palin on the issue of global warming is a loser for the Democrats because it's not that big an issue to most Americans. The voters who are adamant about human causation are already voting for Obama, so Kerry's stupidity will not move voters. It will, however, give him the lead on Jimmuh in the stupidity quotient.

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